Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thing 2

I love the role that changing libraries is playing in all our lives. Keeping up with change is a priority for all of us. I believe, we need to be better stewards in keeping up with and disseminating our information. Can we accomplish our goals in a "keep-it-simple-stupid" format? I believe the simpler it is, the more people will understand. Hopefully, the more who understand, the wider the application.

I'm looking forward to the release this spring of the "no authentication required" search for WorldCat. Upon its release, I'm also looking forward to the expanded "social" services aspect of WorldCat.

Much to little time...but well worth the effort.

Libraries are changing. Can we keep up? Hopefully, with our "23 things on a stick" knowledge, we can. Keeping it simple, will enable more users to learn more information quickly. I like that.

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